Shirley Boxes in Bloom - 2022
Flowers are blooming on Shirley high street in Solihull! Commissioned by Solihull Council, the project was an initiative to develop the public realm and increase local pride. We designed and painted 6 wildflower inspired illustrated utility boxes down the main Stratford Road high street in Shirley. The 6 unloved utility boxes made for great canvases for illustration and injected a healthy dose of colour to the high street.
Videography by LOOP454
“It’s been overwhelmingly popular and it’s truly giving so many residents and business owners a sense of pride. Shirley is leading the way with public art in the borough! ”
Photos by LOOP454
Speaking just before the work was completed, councillor Karen Grinsell said: “I’m sure shoppers and visitors will appreciate more colour being added to Shirley through this project, which will transform six utility boxes into art pieces that will brighten the area. The artists, Pickle Illustration, have already started to produce some eye-catching work.
"I’m really looking forward to seeing the mini art trail when it is finished in a couple of months, and I hope residents will enjoy these new art pieces as they pass through the high street."
All photos LOOP454
We loved chatting to curious locals on the streets in between running to the pub to wash our brushes. You’ll be surprised to hear ‘you’ve missed a spot’ has only been said the once. We’d love to see your photos (if you have any) make sure to tag #shirleyboxesinbloom
“Absolutely love these! Every time we walk or drive past these the kids jump with joy!”